Friday, November 12, 2010


I’ve found my way into a few clubs since moving to NYC. I wish I could
say that that I’m part of a key club or something more exciting, but my
participation is more along the lines of boring to lame. I’ve been in three
different book clubs since moving here and two have since dissipated;
once of those I think will revive at some point, but my current book club is going strong and is less of the pocket protector variety and more wine and gossip, with a good amount of stimulating conversation.

My favorite and most long-standing club is my cooking club. This is a
group of my good girl friends who, spoiler alert, all love to cook.
Our original name was, The Finer Things Cooking Club and later morphed
into the Fat Girls Cooking Club of Greater Hudson Valley, reason being
that we eat more than we actually cook at our club. Cooking club
changes host each month and the hostess chooses the theme and cuisine.
We’ve had Greek, Thai, Southern, Spanish, Moroccan, Brinner, Italian and so
much other goodness. We stuff our faces, drink wine and swear to wear
maternity pants every month. One of our lovely member's semi-maintains a blog here: Next month is my turn turn for holiday cookie exchange. I'm going to rent a fat suit and dress as Santa.

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