Friday, August 31, 2007

Run Forrest

Nate and I have starting running again. I’m not sure why because I was determined not to exercise my entire time in NYC. Unfortunately, we’re suckers for challenge and a goal. I asked Nate the other night why, after all of these years of running, am I such a slow runner. His simple reply was, “You’re just not a natural runner, sweetie.” Thanks, coming from someone who looks like a jogging gazelle, I didn’t take that as a compliment. Now, I know that I’m not winning athlete of the year, in fact, if it weren’t for Beth being my BFF and the best athlete in grade school, I would have always been that last person picked for the kickball team. Actually, the only “sport” that I’ve been considered decent at is swimming, which I learned because apparently parents of the 70’s were taught that if you threw a newborn in a pool they would miraculously become the next Olympian. My dad was half-way right. I know how to swim well but in my opinion, it’s only because it doesn't involve a ball or any hand-eye coordination. And you get to float, so if you’re going through a chunky pre-pubescent stage or freshman 15, it’s not a deal breaker.
Back to running--That evening I went to the gym to find that the equipment had been rearranged and the treadmill was now placed in front of a mirror. Lucky me, I now have a chance to see my not-a-natural-runner self in action. What I witnessed was not a runner, but what I described to Nate as someone who looked as if they were running after they had been shot. Or kind of like what Forrest Gump looked like with those braces on his legs; but I had no excuse. No wonder I run a 12 minute mile! How did I make it through those races and oh my god, people actually saw this spectacle! Needless to say, Nate is showing me proper form and it is truly amazing what a difference it makes in speed, comfort and most important, how I look in that mirror.


Unknown said...

I love reading your site! You're hilarious!

Love, Alli

Anonymous said...

OMG- This had me cracking up in my cube.You are so Girl Green and guess what? I'm on wagon day 5!
Look out Fat Camp La Jolla...