Saturday, December 01, 2007

Year 4

4 years and happy anniversary to the Jones'. 11.29 marks 4 years of the roller coaster we call marriage. Each year we exchange the traditional anniversary gift and it's been easy to buy for each other up until this point...
Year 1 is Paper-I gave Nate a bound book of all of the thoughtful things that he had written over our years and he wrote, and framed, a poem.
Year 2 is Cotton-I gave a cashmere scarf. Nate gave me a blanket with our monogram and wedding date.
Year 3 is leather-I gave a passport wallet with his monogram and he gave a leather watch.

Year 4 is Flowers and Fruit. WTF? Maybe easier for a man, but for a gal? What guy wants a flower or even one of those new found fruit bouquets sent up to the office, even if he is a male nurse?

Final outcome... Nate finding a nice little lady in Maine who presses real flowers into necklaces. It's really special and has our wedding date engraved. I bought him a "pair" of Knicks tickets and attached them to an actual the pear fruit. Turned out real nice.
The tickets were bought off of Craigslist's and I talked to someone who told me their "bro" would meet me at a specific bench in Union Square and that he would be wearing a black sweatshirt and hoodie over his face to exchange the tickets (um, okay?). I felt like a real crack deal was going on. I took my tickets, he took my cash and I walk home feeling so utterly street.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Annie, so funny, but on Nov. 6 (our 3-year anniversary), I had three Venus Fly Traps delivered to Michael at work - one for each year we've been married. Pretty romantic, huh?
He had told me a long time ago that he wanted one and I couldn't have gotten him anything better. He loves to watch them catch the flies and digest them. What a romantic gift.